Sunday, January 11, 2015


I just want to post a quick update...

I know I should be done re-rooting by now, but it turns out that the package of hair I got wasn't enough to finish the head. So after I posted last week, I ran out of hair. I have the head over halfway rooted though, and I expect that I have about 2 more hours of work left to put into the rooting.

I know the picture makes it look like she has less than half a head of hair, but trust me, she has more holes on top of her head than she has around the back of her head.

I desperately need a thimble though, pushing the needle through her little vinyl head is tearing my thumb up. LOL

I have procured another bag of hair, and I hope to finish her in my evenings after work this week. My goal is to be ready to style and set her hair by Friday. I hope I can get that done and paint her face up next weekend. I suppose we shall see.

I am starting to think she would make an awesome steam-punk character...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 is Here!

...And so is my first check in of the year.

I have still been struggling with sick, and holiday business, and work. I haven't completely neglected my creative endeavors though. 

I got my darning needles. LOL

I have started re-rooting one of my doll heads. I am working on giving her a nice full head of red hair. I can see that I need to work on finding a better technique, and have already tried a few. I don't know if her hair is going to turn out better than it was, but I am learning a lot about what I shouldn't do, and a little about what works for me.

I think a large part of what is going to work for me is going to depend on the type of hair I get. For this go-round, I just got what I could get at the local hobby store, but they didn't have much in the way of selection. That stuff seems to tangle  and kink up really easy.

I also have a new set of watercolor pencils, I just want to do faces, but I really need to get the hair set before I do the face-up. I am trying to be patient.

I also have a couple articulated bodies to use for the head when I am done with it. I have decided to wait on buying bodies online, until I can get good at remaking heads.

I am having fun, but really, I want to get back to sculpting my own from scratch. My hands are still pretty ravaged from the season, and from work. I doubt my recent bout of illnesses have helped either, but Spring is coming up pretty fast, and I know I'll be doing better then.