Monday, November 4, 2013

I Think I Might Need Intervention Already!

So, I stayed up until 3 this morning tweaking my listings, gathering feedback, and trying to tie up loose ends I overlooked before opening a storefront...


That was only a small fraction of what I was doing.

I stayed up until 3 this morning refreshing my store stats page to see if I had gotten a view since the last sentence I typed...

I woke up at 6:20 to get my kids ready for school, but as I passed through the living room, my finger shot out and hit the power button on my computer before I even knew what was happening.

I don't remember much about this morning, but I know my kids aren't here, and I vaguely remember the watching the kids get on the bus before letting my dog out to do his business...

Apparently, I let him back in at some point, because he is laying right behind me, as usual, waiting for me to trip over him when I get up. I think he hates me, but disguises it by acting all devoted and stuff. He always follows me wherever I go, staring at me... cocking his eyebrow and tilting his head to one side like he is wondering if his last scheme just might work; Yeah, it just might... Really, it's behavior I would expect more from a cat. It seems more menacing from such a larger animal.

I found myself in front of the computer with all the normal tabs open, plus one new one this morning... My Etsy Store Stat page. I had 3 item favorites, and one store favorite. It made me happier than it should. They aren't sales, but people I don't know looked at my stuff, and it made me feel good inside.

Now, I keep trying to peel myself away from the computer. Mostly because I really need a little more sleep...
.... Ahhh...
... but my "If I go back to sleep I need to wake up before 9" alarm just went off, and I now realize, I put the kids on the bus a lot longer ago than I thought!... Well, today, I am plugging through on 3 hours of sleep.

I have more items to list, so I really probably need to move away from the computer, but even as I type this blog entry, I have been flipping over to my stat page to see if I have had any new activity. I am hoping that as the novelty of having my own shop wears off, I will find it easier to peel myself away from watching it so obsessively.

Maybe I am just really tired, and am subconsciously looking for reasons to keep doing nothing productive.
Stay tuned...

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