Monday, November 25, 2013

Years Are Like Falling From High Places...

... When you are at the beginning of your fall from something high, you have time to think about your options... But as you progress through your fall, everything starts to speed up; Your point of impact seems to rush towards you, faster and faster... and then your realize... You severely misjudged just how much time you actually had to work with.

Well the holidays are upon us, and so is sick season, and that time of year when whatever computer I have starts to act wonky.

I have been dealing with sick for the last 2 weeks. 

Last Thursday, my computer's hard drive started warning me of bad sectors... It is still under warranty, so Samsung is going to fix it, but I will be without my computer for 2 weeks.

I never could get motivated to recover the work I lost to my dog's nervousness disorder, but I have been spending a lot of time being miserable, or taking care of my daughter when she was feeling miserable.

Hopefully we are past the sick part of the year, but to be realistic, there are still two people in the house who have managed to stay healthy so far....

In the mean time. I haven't been completely useless... I have been doing some crafting that doesn't require much standing, or breathing of fumes, or the use of power tools. None of it will end up in my Etsy shop anytime soon, and it can't be considered recycled, but I did make 'em. Some of the pics are older, but they are all related...

You can check out my jointed dolls in my Flicker set...

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